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Hire Anton Bauer V Lock Charger

Rental ID: 1239

Product features

Product Info

£30.00 per day

Price for 1 day £30.00

Hire Price Guide

  • Daily and Weekend £30.00
  • Weekly Rate £120.00
  • Fortnightly Rate £210.00
  • Monthly Rate £300.00

Excluding damage waiver and VAT

A 10% damage waiver fee will be applied to your order in the rental basket unless proof of own insurance can be supplied.

Anton Bauer’s cleverly made V-Lock charger will always detect which of the two batteries mounted to it has the strongest charge, and prioritise that one first. This means it will always take a battery to full charge in the shortest amount of time possible.

Thanks to its efficient, multi-chemistry algorithm and compact form factor, this is an efficient and powerful V-Lock battery charger that’s fantastic for taking on location to ensure you always have the power you need for your shoot. Please be aware that product may look different from the pictures.

4x Batteries for Astra panels