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Rental ID: 7792
£15.00 per day
Excluding damage waiver and VAT
A 10% damage waiver fee will be applied to your order in the rental basket unless proof of own insurance can be supplied.
Generous in both capacity and speed, this Compact Flash card from SanDisk is perfect not only for shooting high-quality stills but also 4K video. A generous 32GB of storage space is enough for you to keep shooting for a good long while before filling it up, and the 90Mb/s transfer speed not only means the card can keep up with the camera while shooting, it also makes it faster to transfer the footage onto a computer or a drive.
Having enough storage media for your images is vitally important – even if you have a good card, you need spares, especially with many modern cameras offering dual card slots. The SanDisk 32GB Compact Flash Card 90MB/s is a great asset to any shoot and will help you shoot for longer with confidence you’ll never miss a moment.
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Price for 1 day
Hire Calumet USB Multi Card Reader
£4 per/ day
Price for 1 days£4.80