We're aware of technical issues and working to resolve them. All basket requests are being received, and orders will be processed and responded to within 24-48 hours. Thanks for your patience!
Rental ID: 7209
£30.00 per day
Excluding damage waiver and VAT
A 10% damage waiver fee will be applied to your order in the rental basket unless proof of own insurance can be supplied.
The Astra 1x1 Bi-Color LED Panel offers powerful and soft LED lighting The Litepanels Astra range are the go-to light for portable controllable LED lighting on locations. Easy and quick to set up the light can be mains-powered or run off batteries with the addition of an Anton Bauer V-lock battery kit and charger. At £30 per day before VAT and damage waiver the Lightpanels Astra 1x1 bi-colour LED is a great addition to your shoot.
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